Daily Worship

He has borne our grief

Norah Summers November 24, 2023 2 2
Image credit: Unsplash
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1 Peter 5: 7 (GNT)

7 Leave all your worries with him, because he cares for you.

Back to Handel – music for these words full of tension – the strain of carrying a heavy load.

Grief is a very complex emotion. It is different for every individual, every situation. Expectations can be a problem – none of us can know how we will react. And it is experienced not only in the situation of the death of a loved one – but in other kinds of loss — loss of employment; loss of sight or hearing or mobility; loss of a cherished object; loss of trust in a person we thought reliable.

People who are grieving often don’t want to ‘bother’ others – so they keep to themselves, say they’re fine, put on a brave face.

We may want to help people who are grieving – but how? Can there really be any help? Or must it just be gone through?

We can get impatient – surely they are getting better now? But it really is different for each person, and we have no right to judge.

Many years ago, at a time of great sorrow, I found comfort in the verse from Deuteronomy 33: 27 - ‘underneath are the everlasting arms’.

There were many people around me,
but my strongest support was God,
strong, faithful,
reliable as solid rock,
upholding me.




Loving God,

our refuge and our strength,

a very present help in time of trouble,

we pray for all who grieve for whatever reason –

who feel devastated,






Remind us that even Jesus cried out in abandonment on the cross,

bearing our griefs and carrying our sorrows.

There is indeed no dark place where he has not gone before us.

We are never alone.