Daily Worship

God’s got your back

Fiona Reynolds September 10, 2018 0 1
Image credit: F Reynolds

Psalm 125: 1-2

1 Those who trust in the Lord are like Mount Zion,
    which cannot be moved, but abides for ever.
2 As the mountains surround Jerusalem,
    so the Lord surrounds his people,
    from this time on and for evermore.

When a military jet takes off from an aircraft carrier, you would be forgiven for standing in awe of the pilot. It is, indeed, a very daring feat but I would like to put it into some perspective for you. Now, don’t get me wrong, flying these planes takes an immense amount of skill, talent and training, and few of us could do it well (if at all). But a pilot never flies alone, regardless of the number of seats in their plane. It takes a whole squadron, supported by a whole ship’s company, to get that plane airborne: engineers to fix and maintain equipment; handlers to manoeuvre the plane into place; navigators to determine the best course to steer for take-off and landing; chefs to feed hungry bodies; chaplains to counsel bereaved and homesick souls.  A pilot flies with a whole cloud of professionals behind them, each and every time they leave the deck.

The same is true for people of faith. We never walk or serve or preach or pray alone. There is always a cloud of witnesses—fellow saints—who walk, serve, preach and pray with us. And, if that weren’t enough, God is right there too: amongst us, between us, within us. Whatever you face today, good or bad, know that you do not face it alone.


Ever-present God,

We give thanks for the moments of joy in our lives

where we can celebrate success in style

knowing you are there, 

cheering us on;

Help us to know that you are also with us when things seem tough:

encouraging us

holding us

loving us;

For, wherever we go,

we know you are right there with us:

Thanks be to God,