Daily Worship

Friendship with Commerce and Industry

Jock Stein February 27, 2019 0 0
Image credit: Pixabay
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Colossians 3:23

23 Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters,

Whatever your task . . . mailshot or job lot, high road or offload, instagram or making jam, H.R. team or diamond seam, new broom or boardroom, air waves or piper’s cave, jail reform or Benidorm, preacher’s study, farmer’s muddy, kitchen roll, opinion poll, wearing purple, breeding turtles . . . whatever your task, do it for God.

The pattern of work has radically changed. Many people are engaged in soulless selling, or pressured caring. Many people have a portfolio of occupations. In America and Europe, the ratio of richest remuneration to poorest is much much higher than it was fifty years ago. Fewer people have time for friendship. More people have need of it.


Lord Jesus, wise friend, honest friend, loving friend, may we invest well in the lives of those who drive the economic wheels of our society. We pray for those whose decisions shape the life and wellbeing of others. May their lives in turn be shaped by obedience to you and to your ways, for Jesus’ sake, Amen.