Daily Worship

Blessings and happiness

Lily Cathcart October 11, 2024 7 3
Image credit: Unsplash
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Psalm 72: 17 (NRSVA)


May his name endure for ever,
    his fame continue as long as the sun.
May all nations be blessed in him;
    may they pronounce him happy.

I find it really hard to picture the planet, it’s too big for my brain to hold knowing that across it there are so many people with stories and lives so like, and yet so unlike, my own. Routines and hopes and dreams, my brain just can’t fit all of that possibility into itself.

Perhaps this is why we need God so much.

God who knows each person and hope and moment. God who knows we can’t hold it all and who says move slower. Move missionally. Move in circles, move across borders, move with love, move with purpose and possibility.

I may never have the privilege of having nations be blessed because of me like Psalm 72 says but perhaps some few people may be blessed because of me, maybe someone somewhere on this busy earth will be blessed because of a small action I have taken.

Like the missionary who carried the carefully wrapped psalter in Ireland and hid it in a peat bog over a thousand years ago, I may never know who has been blessed because of my actions but I know God will see that they are blessed anyway.

And beyond that I suppose I will hope for the second half of the verse to be true for me: even though I may not be a great explorer, or a great missionary, even though I cannot hold the whole world in my mind, may it at least pronounce me happy.




Dear God without borders

Please bless each and every one of us

Please make us a blessing to others near and far

Help us to find ways to make small changes for the better

Help us to be happy with you by our sides
