A time to wait . . . and a time to act.
Acts 1:4
And when they came together, he gave them this order: ‘Do not leave Jerusalem, but wait for the gift I told you about, the gift my Father promised.'
A time to wait . . . and a time to act. The success and failure of human projects and human lives often turns on a right understanding of the times we live in.
God, Father of Jesus and our Father, we are anxious about many things, and lay these down before you. We are troubled about many things, and these we lay down at your feet. We are busy about many things, for this moment we set these things aside in your presence. We join the company of those who are learning to be still and know that you are God . . .
Today I remember the people of Jerusalem, Jews and Gentiles, and pray for its peace. I remember the peoples of the Middle East, and pray for a right ordering of things. I remember the peoples of the world, and our need of your Spirit to bring justice and peace, through Jesus Christ, Amen.
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