Daily Worship

You shall go out with joy!

Jane Denniston October 15, 2024 5 3
Image credit: Unsplash
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Psalm 67: 3 (NRSVA)

Let the peoples praise you, O God;
    let all the peoples praise you.

When you take up a new hobby, or join a new club, or make new friends, what is it that draws you? Isn’t there something attractive about the hobby, or club, or people, that makes you want to take part, be part, of this new thing? Our God-given mission is to make disciples of all nations. Research tells us that people become Christians because a friend invites them. 

So to make disciples we need to make friends. But what then? Your friend invites you to a new club. Why do you go? Because they sing its praises, figuratively of course! But, literally or figuratively, singing is infectious. Which of us would not be curious about something which enthuses our friends? Which of us can listen to a well-known song on the radio without singing along? So singing, literally or figuratively, can be mission. We can sing, and sing, and sing. 

Sing God’s praises until it becomes infectious. Sing God’s praises until friends wonder what we have to sing about. Sing God’s praises until people want to be part of this thing that gives us so much joy. Let us sing God’s praises until our family, our friends, our community, our land, our world are enthused and inspired by our passion and commitment and all the peoples praise him.




O Lord, we praise you,

in our hearts and in our minds,

with our hands and with our voices.

On our lips and in our breath

may your praise be sung forever.

May our praises reach the heavens

giving pleasure to your ears.

May our praises reach the ends of the earth

drawing all people to you.