Wednesday 3 July 
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Wild Jesus - Connect Groups

Week Two


Wild Walking


This week we will take a walk with Jesus, joining Cleopas and his friend as they head to Emmaus… and unexpected revelation. There are things that we learn from talking to Jesus, to coming to Jesus in prayer, and there are other things we learn as we journey beside Jesus — going somewhere together. If last week we were face to face with Jesus, here we are side by side looking out at the wild open road ahead together.

SEEDS TO SOW: What walks could you have with Jesus this week?

Read Luke 24: 13-27

A Wild Saviour by our side.

This story catches us off guard, what is Jesus up to, why is he holding back?

Jesus’s first action here is simply to fall into step with the disciples in their grief and confusion and walk with them in that. And then he throws Cleopas and his pal a curveball. The takeaway: walks with Jesus can get wild…

What do you notice in this story? What’s been your experience of Jesus walking along the road with you?

Read  Isaiah 61

A Wild Saviour, bringing transformation.

Here we interrupt the walk to hear a reference from Isaiah, perhaps part of the Scripture Jesus was discussing on the road to Emmaus.

Righteousness and praise springing up like wild flowers!

Looking at our world and the societies, and communities we live in — what dusty dry roads do you see the world travelling in? Where do we see places in need of renewal and transformation?

What would it look like for Jesus to transform arid, parched land (both literally and figuratively) in our neighbourhoods, into meadows of wild flowers? Vibrant praise springing up!

You could stop and pray about it as a group just now.

Read Luke 24: 28-32

A Wild Moment!

After all the words on the road, it is an ordinary action, a simple gesture — which opens their eyes in a sudden wild moment of revelation. Are there certain revelations of Jesus that are only possible to glimpse when we have walked a little way with him?


