Wednesday 3 July 
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When All Seems Lost - Connect Groups

Week One


When all seems lost - the impossible happens - Don’t Forget FAITH


Read Luke 17: 5-10

How do we receive faith? Have a look at 1 Corinthians 12: 9 (see verses 4-11 for context). Does this mean the person with the gift of faith has it in order to inspire others?

How important is your faith in helping another not to give up?

Read Lamentations 1: 1-6

Why do we like sad music?

Why does it lift our spirits?

Do you think a lament can have an inspirational aspect to it?

How can we embrace lament to bring about healing?

Read 2 Timothy 1: 1-14

Do you think faith can be stirred up in a person? If so how can it happen?


