Wednesday 3 July 
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When All Seems Lost - Connect Groups





This month our theme is ‘When All Seems Lost’. Throughout scripture we are encouraged to never give up, even if the circumstances we find ourselves in seem impossible. Our God has a history of making rough paths smooth and bringing healing into the most difficult of situations. Faith, gratitude, perseverance, and humility, these are words that Jesus often used to describe the citizens of his kingdom.

We’re going to use a different excerpt from Luke’s gospel, at the beginning of each week to help us reflect upon these words and the remainder of the daily readings.

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Week One


When all seems lost - the impossible happens - Don’t Forget FAITH


Read Luke 17: 5-10

How do we receive faith? Have a look at 1 Corinthians 12: 9 (see verses 4-11 for context). Does this mean the person with the gift of faith has it in order to inspire others?

How important is your faith in helping another not to give up?

Read Lamentations 1: 1-6

Why do we like sad music?

Why does it lift our spirits?

Do you think a lament can have an inspirational aspect to it?

How can we embrace lament to bring about healing?

Read 2 Timothy 1: 1-14

Do you think faith can be stirred up in a person? If so how can it happen?

Week Two


When all seems lost - Healing can happen - Don’t forget GRATITUDE


Read Luke 17: 11-19

In the story the ten people suffering from leprosy are all healed. But only one returned to give thanks.

Why do you think he returned? What motivated him or her to return to say thank you? Why do you think giving thanks to someone can have a physical and emotional effect? Does it add to the healing process?

Read Jeremiah 29: 1-7

Why is Jeremiah’s advice wise? How would you describe the aspect of gratitude that is implied in the advice?

Read 2 Timothy 2: 8-25

Read this text again and consider how gratitude is implied in the mindset of Paul as he prepares to face death.

Week Three


When all seems lost - God hears our prayers - Don’t forget PERSEVERANCE


Read Luke 18: 1-8

Why is saying ‘persevere in prayer’ more than just a platitude? Could you substitute perseverance in place of prayer? Is prayer more than simply waiting for the longing of your heart to happen?

Read Genesis 32: 22-31

Why was Jacob striving with God?

Do you think adding striving to perseverance changes the meaning and outcome of prayer?

Read 2 Timothy 3:14-4:5

Perseverance is rooted in trust and promise. Why do you think Paul seeks to encourage young Timothy not to neglect the teaching of scripture?

Week Four


The complexity of kindness


Read Luke 18: 9-14

Contrast the characters in the parable and contrast their prayers. Were they praying to the same God? Why did the publican have a greater insight into the nature of God than the Pharisee?

Do we try to shape God into our likeness?

Read Psalm 65

How does this psalm give us a right perspective on God?

Read 1 Peter 5: 6-10

Humility is the key to unity and blessing.

We draw strength from God but also one another (see verse 9). In what ways do you draw strength from other Christians in your daily walk?


