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Wind of the Spirit - Connect Groups

Week Two


Part 2: The Wind of the Holy Spirit shaping us…


This month, in a departure from our normal pattern, the material is going to look at just one passage in each session and dive into it. It may be that you wish to re-read the text as you move from question to question as we often notice new things on repeated readings. If you are in a group perhaps somebody different could read it each time.

This week the reading is quite long so you may wish to read it through twice, or just once, or maybe lean into it and read it 3 or 4 times! Whatever suits you.

Read Daniel 1

There is a lot of information in this chapter but also a lot of mystery. What were these royal rations? What’s going on with those vegetables? What puzzles you or interests you or intrigues you about this reading?

Second reading

How do you think Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah (or Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego) felt about Daniel’s stand? The individual of verse 8 (Daniel resolved) becomes plural by verse 12 (Please test your servants…) There could have been a lot of emotions flying around!

As there are three men why not think of three possible reactions they may have felt to Daniel’s countercultural plan?

Final reading

Daniel and his friends changed how they interacted with the world and that change affected how the world saw them. How are we letting the wisdom of the Holy Spirit shape our lives?


