Wednesday 3 July 
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Wind of the Spirit - Connect Groups





During the month of June we we will study together and reflect upon what the Bible teaches about: God’s purposes for his creation, how the Holy Spirit works shaping us into the likeness of Jesus, why we need to understand our human limitations, and finally that there is always a daily cost involved in following Jesus.

While it would be astounding if in our gatherings to worship we could experience the wind and the fire, those earlier followers’ experience, scripture still teaches us that going in search of such experiences will in themselves never help us uncover the mighty presence of God. We will come to learn that the most powerful experience of God being with us is the still small voice within us saying “ What are you doing here?”, encouraging us to re-think our priorities. The voice deep within saying, “This is the way walk in it”.

The Wind of the Spirit need not always be noisy to be disturbing. The Wind of the Spirit can be like the breath of God whispering in our ear

 “Come follow me…”

Find how to get involved: Connect group Blog

Week One


Part 1: The Wind of the Spirit reveals God’s purpose


This month, in a departure from our normal pattern, the material is going to look at just one passage in each session and dive into it. It may be that you wish to re-read the text as you move from question to question as we often notice new things on repeated readings. If you are in a group perhaps somebody different could read it each time.

Read Proverbs 3: 13-26

What word or words jump off the page when you read this passage?

Second reading

The text sees ‘wisdom’ in four ways:

  • a priceless treasure
  • a rich full meaningful and fulfilled life
  • shalom: the abundant welfare of God’s peace
  • the tree of life promoting fruitfulness

What in your own life fits any of these definitions?

Final reading

In this passage Wisdom is personified (“Her ways are pleasant ways, / and all her paths are peace.”). Do we get any new insights into scripture, life or faith when we think about Wisdom as a person?

What do you think it would be like to have a conversation with Wisdom?

Week Two


Part 2: The Wind of the Holy Spirit shaping us…


This month, in a departure from our normal pattern, the material is going to look at just one passage in each session and dive into it. It may be that you wish to re-read the text as you move from question to question as we often notice new things on repeated readings. If you are in a group perhaps somebody different could read it each time.

This week the reading is quite long so you may wish to read it through twice, or just once, or maybe lean into it and read it 3 or 4 times! Whatever suits you.

Read Daniel 1

There is a lot of information in this chapter but also a lot of mystery. What were these royal rations? What’s going on with those vegetables? What puzzles you or interests you or intrigues you about this reading?

Second reading

How do you think Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah (or Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego) felt about Daniel’s stand? The individual of verse 8 (Daniel resolved) becomes plural by verse 12 (Please test your servants…) There could have been a lot of emotions flying around!

As there are three men why not think of three possible reactions they may have felt to Daniel’s countercultural plan?

Final reading

Daniel and his friends changed how they interacted with the world and that change affected how the world saw them. How are we letting the wisdom of the Holy Spirit shape our lives?

Week Three


Part 3: The Wind of the Spirit blowing away pretences…


This month, in a departure from our normal pattern, the material is going to look at just one passage in each session and dive into it. It may be that you wish to re-read the text as you move from question to question as we often notice new things on repeated readings. If you are in a group perhaps somebody different could read it each time.

Read Luke 9: 21-27

What would you say were the keys words in this passage?

Second reading

How do you react to verse 23?

Final reading

Think of some ordinary life examples that would fit Jesus’ call to discipleship and this ‘spirit led’ sacrifice?

Week Four


Part 4: The Wind of the Spirit assures us


This month, in a departure from our normal pattern, the material is going to look at just one passage in each session and dive into it. It may be that you wish to re-read the text as you move from question to question as we often notice new things on repeated readings. If you are in a group perhaps somebody different could read it each time.

Read 2 Corinthians 8: 1-7

From the text, what can you deduce about the problems facing the community to whom it is addressed?

Second reading

Where might we draw parallels between Paul’s target audience and the situation of Church and society today?

Final reading

What gifts does God provide, and can you give examples that will lead you in your discipleship?


