Wednesday 3 July 
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The Sacred is Calling - Connect Groups

Week One


Part 1: A Sacred Sequence


Conversation starter

What do you think of when you hear the word ‘sacred’?

Read Ruth 1: 1-18

Ruth makes a sacred bond to go with Naomi. What can we learn from Ruth’s declaration in verses 16-17 that we can apply to the commitments we make to God and one another in our own lives?

Read Hebrews 9: 11-14

We are swept up, washed up, brushed up — and sanctified to serve!

What are three things can we do this week in our lives to serve the Living God?

Read Mark 12: 28-34

What do you think was going on in the scribe’s mind when he asked Jesus this question and in his subsequent response? Do you think he was testing Jesus or himself? Do you think he was surprised by Jesus’s answer?

And how do you think he felt after hearing Jesus tell him he wasn’t far from the kingdom of God?

