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Reconciled by Grace - Connect Questions

Week Three

Part 3: Healing a family rift — Reconciled by Grace Read

Genesis 45:1-15

Joseph is incredibly gracious to the brothers who sold him into slavery. He short-circuits the cycle of blame. He is holding all the cards, and yet he chooses happily to fold.

Why is it so hard to surrender the moral high ground when family members argue with one another? How and when do we manage to step down?

Read Isaiah 56: 1-8

‘I will gather still others to them

besides those already gathered.’

The family of God is not limited by genetics, culture, language, time or space. God’s invitation is simply to those who want to come. To all who are thirsty. Regardless of DNA, background, or location.

All who are thirty. Not all whom we choose. Not all whom we get on with, gel with, or click with.

How have we been guilty at ignoring the sacrifices and contributions of others — because we reckon they don’t count or matter in the same way?

Read Psalm 133

What do you make of the striking metaphor in verse 2? What can we learn about living together in unity from the comparison with precious oil liberally applied?


