Wednesday 3 July 
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Re: Set - Connect Groups

Week Four


Part 4: Re: Set to Restart


Read Ezekiel 37: 1-14

Re: Animate

This is a vivid, startling picture of new life bursting forth. How would you have felt as Ezekiel witnessing this vision?

And where do you see a coming together of dry bones in the church today? Where do you see God resetting bones so that God’s people can come to life?

Read 1 Corinthians 12: 4-13

Re: Gift

Unlike an unloved box of bath salts that nobody wants and get re-gifted to somebody else every Christmas (sorry Aunt Joan…) Spiritual gifts are meant to be shared.

Why do you think the Spirit often breaks up the gifts into interlocking pairs? 

What gifts do you have that could be shared in a ministry team with others to build up the church?

Read Numbers 11: 24-30

Re: Setting

Even when we don’t set out to reset or restart we can find ourselves suddenly moved by the Spirit and resetting anyway. 

Eldad and Medad didn’t go looking for the Spirit, but the Spirit found them…

As we look to restart, to set out again, having set our eyes on God, how can we be more open to the Spirit calling unexpected voices? What steps can we take to be better and more generous listeners? In this context, how can you be more of a Moses and less of a Joshua…?


