Friday 27 September 
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On A Mission - Connect Groups

Week Three



We have a Gospel that just won't sit still! Our digital age shows us what has in fact always been true — that we are always linked and connected across time and space! As the Gospel has sprung from page to screen we have been given new insights into our faith. The Holy Spirit has always connected us wirelessly! We are all linked in the cloud!

Our faith, like our tech, is a seamless part of our everyday lives — not something somehow separate and distinct. In the same way that digital technology joins up different parts of our lives (family, shopping, hobbies, work, weather, music… there’s an app for everything) our mission from God is woven in to every aspect of our life. Are we releasing the full potential of that…

SEEDS TO SOW: Where could God be calling you to mission in your life?

Read Colossians 4: 16

Once you have read it — pass it on!

This wee verse offers us a fascinating insight into the early mission of the church. Read it and pass it on! Swap! Share! Innovate! Collaborate! Don’t just be silos doing your own thing and not communicating with one another…

Do we recognise this collaborative spirit in our experience of church communities? Mission achieved? If not… why not?

What stops us pooling and sharing resources and insights?

Read Psalm 96: 1-6

Declaring the marvel!

The Gospel is catchy, it’s infectious, in inspires us to sing new songs, it gets the whole earth singing.

But sometimes we lose the tune, or make it too complicated, or too diluted.

What are some new and catchy ways (still drawing from these ancient roots) that we can share the marvel of God in a society populated with idols that compete for our attention?

Take these ideas to God in prayer.

Read Psalm 96: 7-13

Let the earth rejoice!

Have we lost the art of trembling? (See verse 9.) Can part of our mission to an often cynical, jaded societies be one of rediscovering the tremble — the awe of being alive!

When is trembling a good thing?

How can we help the world to tremble in awe?


