Monday 22 July 
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Leaping with God - Connect Groups

Week Four


Leaping into Action


This theme we have leapt a lot on our own but this last week we consider that faith is not an individual sport or activity. Our life of faith is a team sport where we encourage and depend on one another. Watching synchronised divers we see how they know what the slightest movement means, when the other is going to turn, and they trust the other to do their best. Quite inspirational! When we leap and keep on leaping into faith we are not on our own, Jesus promises us the Holy Spirit and we have others around us, to help and be helped by. We all have an important role with and for one another. This is the beauty of the Body of Jesus, so let's leap together!

SEEDS TO SOW: How does movement play a part in your faith?

Read Matthew 20: 20-28

The Thunder Brothers* and their mum are trying to pull ahead, perhaps thinking it is for the good of the wider team, but going right across the grain of Jesus's mission. Not all jumps are worth the leap!

What are the pitfalls we can encounter when leaping together and how can we help each other overcome them?

* Thunder brothers...? Check out Mark 3: 17

Read Romans 12: 1-8

This passage highlights how we all have something of value to share with our fellow believers, we are all different and complement each other.

Do you know your gifts?

How can these inspiring words motivate us to be team players for team Jesus this week?

Read Romans 12: 9-21

How can we be God's love in action for others this week?


