Wednesday 3 July 
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All My Days - Connect Groups

Week Three


Unfolding Days



Read Acts 2:14a, 36-41

“For the promise is for you, for your children, and for all who are far away, everyone whom the Lord our God calls to him.” Our lives are lived in this unfolding promise.

How does it feel to be part of an unbroken chain from then to now? Time is a funny thing to get our heads around. These events happened a long time ago but if a generation is every 25 years than in 2,000 years that’s only 80 generations!

Have you ever reflected on the genealogy of your faith? Of how it got from Peter to you reading this now? It seems like an impossibly long gap between now and then but if you were trace one person through each generation who was part of the chain of faith it would be around 80 folk.

Read Psalm 116: 1-4, 12-19

”What shall I return to the Lord for all his bounty to me?” (Verse 12.)

What are some of the key characteristics of the gratitude shown in verses 12-19?

Read Luke 24: 13-35

This is a story of insight taking time to unfold: from dejection to understanding, from understanding to insight, from insight to action.

Why do you think Cleopas and his friend were kept from recognising Jesus earlier? Was it really necessary?


* SEEDS TO SOW: These are open-ended and optional prompts and are designed for people wanting to develop their own resources in response to the themes. Perhaps if you are using this material as a group you could use these prompts to inspire a time of prayer, or drawing, or creative writing? They are a short and sweet, simply a starting off place for you and your imagination. Tailor and develop as suits your group.

