The Jesus Manifesto

Creator February 03, 2015 0

None of us know what this new year hold for all of us? One thing is for certain whoever or wherever we are we will face change to a greater of lesser degree. Whatever the challenge how we deal with the change is what really matters. Nothing in our lives ever stays the same. We either become the victims of the changes or we find a mindset that allows us to begin to see that we can make sense out of the changes. The teachings of Jesus of Nazareth offers us all an alternative way to look at life. Jesus speaks of a new confidence that can take hold of a person. A confidence that enables us to engage with the changes of life and begin to belief that all things can work together for good if we put our trust in God. This confidence comes from the presence of the Holy Spirit in the life of the believer. The ministry of Jesus centred around his personal conviction that he was called of God to bring in a new world order. His kingdom turns everything on its head. He calls us to love our enemies, to see strength in our weakness. He tells stories that centre around forgiveness, inclusiveness, justice and hope. He then seeks to embody the meaning of these ideas through his life and ministry. He himself becomes ‘the one and the many’. He himself becomes the act of forgiveness, he himself become the meaning of justice. He lives out his manifesto not only in word but in deed. He then invites his followers not simply to speak of the manifesto but to also become the manifesto​