The First Stone (November)

James Cathcart November 05, 2023 0

November 2023 (5 Nov - 2 Dec). See the Resource Pack PDF for information on the weekly subthemes and the daily prompts and Bible readings which shape our Daily Worship. Check out our Bible Study Questions PDF to see the material adapted for small Connect groups or personal Bible study. 


Marker in time. Memorials of stone. Foundations of Faith


This November, we will be reflecting on the relationship between stone and memory. We will cover geological deep time, ancient standing stones, paperweights, gravestones, precious stones and Jesus — the cornerstone of our faith.

The First Stone is an English translation of words that came out of Jesus’ mouth when religious people where lining up to stone a woman who had sinned big time in their book. Jesus turns the tables on them and says; 'Those of you without sin cast the first stone'. In recalling this story, we are reminded that stones are used in the Bible to speak of grace and forgiveness, hope and loss, redemption and remembrance. Journey with us this month as we explore some of these stories. 

In week one we start by thinking about the lasting nature of stone, and how it is used in scripture as a metaphor to talk about the enduring grace and love of God.

In week two we move from reflecting on the nature of God to considering how human beings have used stones as a markers in time. We raise memorials of stone to remember; people, events and follies, so that we can learn from history and pass on the common good.

In week three we think of stones as the burdens we bear and the anchors that hold us firm and the hurt we hurl at each other.

We bring our theme to a close thinking of Christ as our cornerstone of faith. We recall how stones come in all shapes and sizes and speak to us of faith, hope and love, and our life foundation built on Jesus the cornerstone.


Hope, Love, Life & Christ Our Cornerstone


Join a Connect Group

Why not try joining a connect group this month? There are multiple In-Person and Online Connect Groups all over the country that use Sanctuary First's Connect material, why not get in touch as see if there is a group near you? Contact

Each week of the four week theme runs Sunday-Saturday and has its own subtheme, which contains daily Bible readings and prompts for thought (see the Resource Pack PDF for more information). Check out our Bible Study Questions PDF to see the material adapted for small Connect groups or personal Bible study.