Sunday Live: The Wind of the Holy Spirit shaping us
Every Sunday at 3PM
Each Sunday, during this time of crisis, join us for a LIVE Worship Service.
Theme: The Wind of the Holy Spirit shaping us
Join James, Albert and guest Rhona Cathcart for a reflective service thinking about how we shape peace and peace shapes us! We will be thinking about the ‘characters of peace’ using our hands, voices and pictures. Key texts: Psalm 8 and Romans 5: 1-5.
After Service Coffee Shop
Come along and join us in The Virtual Coffee Shop after the service for a chat and a catch up. Chat to the team and other people from our worshipping online community.
The Virtual Coffee Shop is a LIVE video chat group we use "Zoom" and you'll need a device with a camera and microphone. Most laptops and phones have them built in!
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