Daily Worship

The Artist’s Amusement

Ruth Kennedy June 27, 2024 5 2
Image credit: Unsplash
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Matthew 6: 8 (NIVUK)

8 Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask him.

I would not describe myself as an artist and this week’s Daily Worship has been challenging because of that. There are so many skills, nuances, knowledge and insights into art which I just don’t have. Ask me about sport and adventures, no problem! Even music I know. But art? Sadly not. And yet, God knew I would be here writing this week’s worship. I think He has a great sense of humour, don’t you?

So, using my holy imagination I speculate that an artist knows their brush and which one to use to achieve a particular effect. Like which type of trainer is needed for a trail run, which for a road run. They probably know the grains of the canvas and how that will interplay with the materials they use. Like a composer will arrange notes to bring a melody. Whatever areas of life we enjoy and put time into, we learn about them. We learn the unforced rhythms of grace with Jesus as we walk with Him and work with Him. We deepen our understanding of the Father as we look at what He has done, is doing, and will do.

What of the reverse?

God knows our treads, our textures, and sounds. And He loves us with them! God loves it that we will come to Him with different requests, Jesus encourages us that God already knows what you are going to ask anyway. This wonderful, loving Father patiently scoops us up in His arms and gives us a safe space to just breathe. To let out all that we need and take in all that we can of Him.


God you know everything about me and are familiar with all of my ways. It is your delight to love me simply because you are my Father and I am your child. I am overwhelmed that your thoughts towards me are countless as the sand on the seashore and you rejoice over me with singing.

I rest in the palms of your hands.

I find I am not the only one resting here. My brothers and sisters in Christ are here, nestled in the nooks and creases, encased in your love and care, trusting in your provision.

We rest in our Father’s hands.

We find we rest alongside Jesus for it is only by Jesus we are even here. We breathe with the Holy Spirit for it is only by Your Holy breath we are alive.

In this most precious and sacred place we give to you all that you know we need. We take in all of You to be overflowing with joy and love. Knowing you have made us to be fearless and full of your wonder, we can trust in Your design and composition. And so we go as people of peace into the world. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.