Daily Worship

Streams of Living Water

Jane Denniston August 05, 2012 0 0

Song of Solomon 8:6 & 7

​Set me as a seal upon your heart,

as a seal upon your arm;

for love is strong as death,

passion fierce as the grave.

Its flashes are flashes of fire,

a raging flame. 

Many waters cannot quench love,

neither can floods drown it.

If one offered for love

all the wealth of one’s house,

it would be utterly scorned.


​You are a passionate lover, oh God.

Uninhibited and free 

As you pour out your love upon me.

I am drenched in it

I am drowned in it.

Your love sweeps me before it

Out into the world.

Your love carries me along

On streams that you have created

Streams of living water for a dry and thirsty world.

Help me to give myself up to this love

With the passion and abandon

With which you love me.

Help me to open myself to your love

To let it flow through me.

May I be your lover in the world.


written by Jane Denniston