Daily Worship


November 15, 2012 0 0

Hebrews 11:9

​It was by faith that he lived like a foreigner in the country God promised to give him. He lived in tents with Isaac and Jacob, who had received that same promise from God.

​All of us, as followers of Jesus, are here because of the legacy of those who’ve gone before us.  Abraham is one of those.  And this week’s prayers are inspired by his journey as we in turn think about the legacy we’re passing on to the next generation of Jesus followers.  This means we’re compelled to ask the question- what are we passing on?   Are we stewarding the way of Christ well?  Is the way of life we’re handing on defined by the values we see hinted at in Abraham’s story?  

Lord we confess that we don’t often live like this.  Our tents have become bigger and permanent and filled with clutter… 

And we look at Abraham and hear his testimony.  About living lightly, about embracing a simplicity of life.  


Declutter our lives.  Help us to leave behind a legacy of simplicity that respects people and place, a way of life that is light on resources, a set of values that allows us to live in harmony with the earth, with others and with you.  


Written by Alex Smeed