Daily Worship


Louise McClements August 22, 2015 0 0

Isaiah 64: 8

We are the clay, you are the potter. We are all the work of your hand.

Dear God,
It’s Saturday,
and the week has been a mixture of highs and lows,
joys and headaches,
deep fulfilment and new challenges…….

There are things we have done well,
things we could have done better,
and things we have avoided doing,
for whatever reason…..

But throughout it all we have grown,
even although we may not recognise it….
For you continue to work through us,
in so many hidden and unseen ways,
moulding us,
into the person you call us to be…..

And so help us this Saturday,
to be thankful for this past week,
and as the day progresses,
stir up in us a sense of joy and anticipation,
as we look forward to gathering to worship you,
in our church fellowship,
tomorrow morning….