Play the game
Exodus 32:6
And they rose up early in the morning, and offered burnt offerings, and brought peace offerings; and the people sat down to eat and to drink, and rose up to play.
Loving God, You invite us to ‘play the game’. A thought, which can be read as a metaphor for life or at its simplest is just a time of relaxation and fulfillment. Sometimes it is an activity for health and strength and at others a chance to lift our spirits and re-energise both mind and body.
Help us Lord to be mindful not to allow our love of sports to become obsessive or take us from more important aspects of life. Direct our passion towards the values of fairness and the challenges that drive us to reach positive goals.
May these energies brought out in us, be of use in other parts of life helping us to offer ourselves in ways to serve the peoples of the world. For sport can bring unity where there has been conflict, racism and intolerance of different cultures.
Use the focus that sport brings to gather people together in celebration, allowing our play life to be a God given gift
written by
Keith W. Ross Congregational Development Officer (CDO) at Hamilton Presbytery
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