Daily Worship

Paul’s Performance Review

Rhona Cathcart September 04, 2024 5 4
Rhona Cathcart, minister, Inverurie West Parish Church
Image credit: Unsplash
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Galatians 2: 2 (NIV)

2 I went in response to a revelation and, meeting privately with those esteemed as leaders, I presented to them the gospel that I preach among the Gentiles. I wanted to be sure I was not running and had not been running my race in vain.

For all his independence, Paul recognised the importance of accountability. Still, I can’t help but wonder how his ‘performance review’ went at that long ago Jerusalem meeting.

Peter: So, thanks for the presentation Paul. Your powerpoint slides were particularly thorough.

John: I especially liked the grace flow chart.

James: I note from your file that it’s been..what..14 years since you were last in head office? Maybe you’ve been spending a little bit too much time with…er…Gentiles?

(Agitated response from Paul)

James: No, no, I mean, yes, of course the Boss loves the Gentiles too. And we’ve already agreed Titus is fine as he is.

Peter: We’ve had a word with the… what did you call them? ‘Snipper faction’ Things are complicated here, but we’ll take on board what you said. Meanwhile you and Barnabas keep focusing on the Gentiles.

(Paul leaves)

James (sighing): He’s a bit ‘extra’ sometimes isn’t he?

Peter: Yeah, but you can’t argue with his stats. Before long there will be more Good News followers outside Jerusalem than inside it.

John: And the boss loves him.

James: Yes, but the boss loves everyone. (The others look at him) I know, I know, that’s why we love the boss. Which reminds me, I must give him a call.

(They all pick up their phones)




Loving God

Keep me accountable to you and to those I serve alongside

When I go too far on my own path, bring me back to you,

my centre, my foundation,
