Daily Worship

Not of human origin!

Rhona Cathcart September 03, 2024 5 3
Image credit: Unsplash
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Galatians 1: 11-12 (NIV)

11 I want you to know, brothers and sisters, that the gospel I preached is not of human origin. 12 I did not receive it from any man, nor was I taught it; rather, I received it by revelation from Jesus Christ.

When I was a child my youngest sister and I would sometimes fall out over the casting of our superhero games when she would inevitably point out that as the fairer haired of the two, I had to be Supergirl while she was clearly Batgirl. I had to think fast to counter this argument as I knew instinctively that Batgirl was cooler than Supergirl.

My judgement was largely aesthetic, as I couldn’t really tell you much about either character. In contrast, I could tell you about Batman’s dark and troubled past, richer and more interesting than Superman’s extraterrestrial origin.

One of the ways we get to know people — in fiction, but also in life — is to understand something of their background.

Much of what we know about Paul’s history comes from the book of Acts. There are also various references scattered throughout his letters, but here in Galatians we have the clearest outline of what a superhero movie might call his ‘origin story’ from his own lips.

And what a story! From traditionalist zealot policing religious laws to miraculous convert opening the doors of faith to Gentiles.

Possibly the most astonishing thing about Paul’s story is that he, who had depended so heavily for his beliefs and identity on the institutions of Judaism, felt no need to ‘consult another human being’ after his encounter with Jesus. Paul may not have claimed any supernatural powers for himself, but he did not doubt that what he had been given — the truth of the Gospel — was of supernatural origin.

This was what empowered him, rather than anything human. He needed no other backing, only Christ.




Almighty God

When we doubt your power, bring us back to our origins.

Remind us how and when the seed was planted, the light dawned, the path turned.

Slow or sudden; gentle or abrupt, somewhere, somehow, the Gospel became real to us.

More than a story, more than human.

Take us back, Lord, then lead us on.
