Daily Worship


Norah Summers March 08, 2015 0 0

Philippians 1:12-14

I want you to know, my brothers,
that the things that have happened to me
have really helped the progress of the gospel.
As a result, the whole palace guard and all the others here
know that I am in prison because I am a servant of Christ.
And my being in prison 
has given most of the brothers more confidence in the Lord,
so that they grow bolder all the time
to preach the message fearlessly.

I am thinking about the apostle Paul,
writing from prison 
not to bemoan his situation,
but to encourage his friends.

I am thinking about the apostle Paul,
giving thanks for those outside,
who are carrying on his work.

I am thinking about the apostle Paul,
concerned for the welfare of his friends and co-workers,
concerned for their faith.

I am thinking about the apostle Paul,
whose writings still have power today
to move us,
challenge us,
make us think outside the box – 
outside the prison walls.

I am thinking about the apostle Paul,
once imprisoned by his own narrow view,
seeing everything in black and white,
suddenly blinded by God’s light,
the full spectrum,
all the colours of the rainbow –
bright and free and full of promise.

God of love,
God of promise,
God of freedom,
open our eyes
to all the possibilities
beyond the walls.