Daily Worship

Lord, help us to see…

Jane Denniston March 23, 2019 0 0
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Psalm 119: 15-20

15 I will meditate on your precepts,
    and fix my eyes on your ways.
16 I will delight in your statutes;
    I will not forget your word.

17 Deal bountifully with your servant,
    so that I may live and observe your word.
18 Open my eyes, so that I may behold
    wondrous things out of your law.
19 I live as an alien in the land;
    do not hide your commandments from me.
20 My soul is consumed with longing
    for your ordinances at all times.

The Bible is a difficult book. There is no one way to read it. Some parts of it can be read like a novel, starting at the beginning and going through to the end. Other parts are more like an encyclopaedia, or a reference book, which needs to be dipped into rather than read consecutively. There is poetry, drama, history, philosophy. Much of it is cryptic, and of course anything which is translated loses something of its original meaning. Translated not only from another language, but also from another culture, and then again from another era and it is not surprising that it can be difficult to understand and interpret in the world of today. 

But it is a beautiful book. It has rich and evocative imagery. It can inspire, challenge, disturb, and enlighten. It has lessons for life, encouragement, wisdom. It is no wonder that the psalmist meditates on the word of God. But he also begs to have his eyes opened. He understands that, leaning only on his own understanding, he is in danger of misunderstanding. Only the Holy Spirit can unlock the mysteries of God’s word for our benefit.


Loving God,
open my eyes that I may see
wonderful things in your law.
Teach me,
enlighten me,
instruct and edify me
that I may know your will
and love your way.

Lent Disciplines

WEEK 3: Every morning this week we invite you to say this short prayer. You might want to say it before going out the front door: Dear God, help me today to see my neighbourhood through your eyes, with your love, compassion and kindness. Help me to seek your face in those around me. Amen.