Daily Worship


Dr Iain Jamieson October 12, 2015 0 0

Psalm 8:3

hen I consider your heavens,
the work of your fingers,
the moon and the stars,
which you have set in place,
what is mankind that you are mindful of them,
human beings that you care for them?

Lord, thank-you for the inspiration you give to man, the vision.
LIGO, the huge gravitational wave observatory sitting mute in the desert.
Miles and miles of instrumentation.
Listening to the very sound of your creation.
The sound of 2 black holes colliding, stars being born, stars dying.
For us to hear.
For us to listen.
And it defies imagination, this universe you wrought, you set in motion.
And, is it not the very nature of love not to understand?
So we walk through a never ending universe of sound and song.
and as I walk, on planet earth, in Scotland, in autumn.
I walk through the music of the season. Through the dry frozen leaves, crackling and shifting,
defining crisp
Lord, I hear you speaking in these tiny things:
Gusts of wind sifting and shushing through trees
The papery patter of a hundred leaves as they fall to the ground
You speak of change, of a season of plenty become the harvest stored for winter. Great blooms of greenery, fading, to be blown away into the sky, leaving trees shorn and threadbare.


You say nothing made lasts forever.
Just what the heart says and does and our souls in your sight
You speak of sleep, a gathering in of nights.
You speak of waiting and carrying us through the winter. You speak of waking, to new life around the corner. Not just in spring.
But every. single. morning