Daily Worship


November 12, 2012 0 0

Hebrews 11:11-12

He was too old to have children, and Sarah could not have children. It was by faith that Abraham was made able to become a father, because he trusted God to do what he had promised. 

This man was so old he was almost dead, but from him came as many descendants as there are stars in the sky. 

Like the sand on the seashore, they could not be counted.


​All of us, as followers of Jesus, are here because of the legacy of those who’ve gone before us.  Abraham is one of those.  And this week’s prayers are inspired by his journey as we in turn think about the legacy we’re passing on to the next generation of Jesus followers.  This means we’re compelled to ask the question- what are we passing on?   Are we stewarding the way of Christ well?  Is the way of life we’re handing on defined by the values we see hinted at in Abraham’s story?  

Lord,  it’s great to think about all the God followers, our spiritual mums and dads, who’ve gone before us.  

Thank you for the way you inspired them to pass on genuine faith to us.  


People like Abraham, who was all about the future generations, inspire us to follow his lead.  May we be your people who are concerned about the legacy we leave, not so that our names appear in lights, but for the benefit of the world.   


And like Abraham, who was never going to see the millions of people he inspired, may we look way beyond our own self interest to the generations upon generations who’ll come after us.   


Written by Alex Smeed