Daily Worship

I trust in the Lord for deliverance

December 07, 2014 0 0

John 3:16

God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, that everyone who has faith in him may not perish but have eternal life.

Song (based on Psalm 6)
Lord, you hear how I cry;
the sound of weeping fills your ears.
I trust in you for deliverance
and an end to all that now defeats me.

(© The Iona Community, in ‘Psalms of Patience, Protest and Praise’, 1993)


God of the morning, we trust you:
in the early dawn of each day,
in the ripening of each new idea,
in the bursting forth of each particle of new light and love
may we grow in this trust.

God of the noon time, we believe in you:
when we are dazzled by the bright lights
of worldly power and wealth and ‘things’
may we remember that you, the God in who we believe,
comes to us as a refugee baby with nothing.

God of the evening, our hope is in you;
when all around feels hopeless
when hope is gone and goodness seems distant,
it is then that we remember that
in our darkest night, you,
our friend and companion
halo us with your love.

For this, we praise and thank you.


by Ruth Harvey
Place for Hope