Daily Worship

I end up singing all the way home

Albert Bogle July 02, 2017 0 0
Image credit: JC

Psalm 13: 5-6

5 But I trust in your unfailing love;
    my heart rejoices in your salvation.
6 I will sing the Lord’s praise,
    for he has been good to me.

It seems to me that Psalm 13 reflects the feelings that we have all had at some time or another when we’ve felt as though nothing is going right in our lives. Summertime and family holidays can bring some of these feelings to the fore. Struggling to be understood as a parent, or a teenager can mean a great deal of disruption in our relationships. Then something happens; we see things in a new light; and we remember that holiday for the rest of our days!

Going back to the story of Isaac and Abraham, their relationship is never quite clear. What was that journey really like for Isaac? Did he think he was going on a holiday? Abraham tells him we’re going on a trip together, we’re going to worship Yahweh. What about the struggle going on in Abraham’s mind? Is he thinking - “This is my only son, am I really going to lose him? Is this really God speaking to me or is it the culture I’m living in?”

What about Isaac, when his father was binding him and preparing to sacrifice him. Did he take it all so calmly? One thing I’m sure about, Isaac must have had his doubts. I'm certain he was praying, “Oh God when are you going to rescue me? Why is my father doing this? How long do I have to wait God? Help me! I’m in your hands now!”

On the way home what was he doing? Perhaps he and Abraham were talking about how futile the idea of human sacrifice really is. Perhaps that day they realised that God was more interested in our intentions and our heart than seeking to prove loyalty to him by committing murder in his name. 

I’m sorry for the times when I’ve

Picked up the wrong message

Used your name in vain

When I’ve wanted to prove something to myself and others

And put your name to the action

Told myself and friends I was doing it all for you.


You are so kind to me

Even when I least deserve it

You never mention my mistakes

You simply make a provision

To rescue me from myself 

And I end up singing all the way home!