Daily Worship

God keeps his promises

Norah Summers December 13, 2014 0 0

Luke 1: 54-55

He has kept the promise he made to our ancestors,
    and has come to the help of his servant Israel.
55 He has remembered to show mercy to Abraham
    and to all his descendants forever!”

I’m keeping all these things
and pondering them in my heart.

I have time just now
to think,

I have been given a task
which I would have said was impossible.

But the message was that I would be blessed, 
and I do believe it.

I have been brought up with the old stories,
and I know God keeps his promises!

I may be ordinary,
lowly, poor – 
but I believe God keeps his promises.

He chose tongue-tied Moses to confront the Pharaoh
and promised he would give him the words.

He told Samuel to pick young David,
rather than the bigger stronger brothers.

He chooses ordinary people like me
to do extraordinary things.

He spoke to the prophets,
and promised a day would come
of peace and justice and love.

And two thousand years on
we wait and pray through this Advent season,
wait for the Lord,
work for his kingdom,
take care of his sheep,
do for the least of people what we would do for him.

Blessed are the peace-makers,
the humble,
the merciful,
the pure in heart,
even the strugglers,
and the stragglers,
the ordinary folk.

And the day of the Lord will come.
He has promised it.

by Norah Summers