Daily Worship

Glazing the clay

Lily Cathcart June 07, 2024 2 3
Image credit: Unsplash
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Acts 14: 17 (NRSVA)

17 yet he has not left himself without a witness in doing good—giving you rains from heaven and fruitful seasons, and filling you with food and your hearts with joy.’

Glazing is a fascinating process. When choosing what glaze to apply to your pot you are guessing what it will look like in the end as you can never be sure how it will react. If you use oxides they are even more unpredictable! Even with lots of tests and practice there is never a guarantee that the colour or texture will be exactly as you thought. It’s part of the fun but also the peril of pottery.

I wonder if God our potter feels this sense of fun and peril when helping us to become ourselves.

Because of course we are not pots, we are even more complicated, we are earth and stars made flesh we are caked in God’s love and we are travelling through fires which can sometimes rival any kiln. And still God glazes us, still God playfully adds oxides to us, waiting to see what we will become.

How exciting to get to surprise God. As our Father playfully suspends His knowledge to watch us form and create our own patterns. Whatever colours we emerge as we know we are forever in the loving embrace of our God.




Dear Father God of colours

Thank you that you are generous with your colourful love

Help us to embrace our own colours and patterns

As we travel through life rejoice in our changes

And help us rejoice in them too.
