Give me patience to believe
Matthew 13:23
And the seeds sown in the good soil stand for those who hear the message and understand it:
they bear fruit, some as much as one hundred, others sixty, and others thirty.”
Let us change the analogy today if the seed is the word of God planted in our hearts what kind of fruit are we producing?
For many years I would walk along the treelined terrace leading to St Andrew’s Church Bo’ness. I have often reflected on the people who planted the trees. Who were they? Why did they bother planting trees they would never see grow to maturity?
The reason of course was they were investing in the future, a future that they might not see but in which their contribution was required.
All of us who are Christians are called to reflect the character of God and become sowers of the word we have received. Our lives are not just for today, they affect future generations. We are sowing into the lives of others without always seeing the final outcome, but in doing so we are fulfilling our purpose and calling.
Take a moment to think today about the seeds you hold in your hand. Where will you plant it? Think on a niece, a nephew, a young neighbour, a work colleague. When you scatter that seed what kind of ground will it fall into? All of us are made up of a variety of soils, hard and rocky, thorny and prickly, shallow and dry, but we also have areas in our lives that are ready for planting. Perhaps we should start looking for the right moment when we might plant a seed, a word that will take root and yield a crop.
Help me sow your word
in the hearts of others
Show me when to speak
And when to keep silent
Give me patience to believe
Fruit will come in due time
Give me faith
To expect
Give me love
To encourage
Give me hope
To trust
Your word will accomplish
Its purpose
In the lives of those I meet
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