Daily Worship


Jo Penn August 31, 2022 0 1
Image credit: Unsplash
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Amos 5: 24 (NRSVA)

24 But let justice roll down like waters,
    and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream.

“We see Jesus caring for all, especially those who suffer, boldly demanding that the hungry should be fed, the sick looked after, the naked clothed and victims of injustice released from their chains.” Scargill Community promise   

The rough surface of Toddy Hoare’s sculpture ‘Jesus in Gethsemane’ is not pretty. The work depicts Jesus on the night of his arrest, naked and kneeling, praying with crossed hands raised above his head. One hand makes the fist of protest, the other hand makes the sign of blessing — showing Jesus’ struggle in prayer that night.

Prior to Gethsemane, Jesus spent his three years on the road. His public ministry showed what the Kingdom of God was like, living out his manifesto (Luke 4: 18-19 quoting from Isaiah 61). As Jesus visited different places, the prisoners were set free, the blind were given sight — different forms of oppression were lifted. He also sent out his disciples to preach the Kingdom of God and heal the sick (Luke 9 and 10) including them in this work of God.

We may not be called to stand trial within an occupied state like Jesus, but we are called to bless others, and protest where we see injustices within our own communities.

One area of life we can use to make a small but consistent stand is in our consumer choices, thinking about how we can be in solidarity with communities round the world that supply our everyday goods, through things like our choice of coffee or clothing. There are many complex issues within our interconnected world but we can start in a small way to direct our spending towards the values of God’s Kingdom, towards loving both people and our planet.





When I am overwhelmed at the needs I see around me,

Give me strength to do my part,

To love those people and places you put on my heart.


In our troubled times,

When war, hunger and drought stalk our headlines,

Bring together people of peace

United in a common cause to set the captives free,

To give all people dignity,

And to lovingly steward the earth.
