Daily Worship

Garden of our lives

February 12, 2013 0 0

GENESIS 2 v 8 & 9

Then the Lord God planted a garden in Eden, in the East and there he put the man that he had formed.   He made all kinds of beautiful trees grow there and produce good fruit.

​Lord we thank you for the garden of our lives, for the rich variety of relationships of interesting people, for those who have given us unexpected pleasure, those in whom we have taken great delight.   We thank you for those who have always been there, lifelong friends who endure, with whom we pick up and are comfortable no matter the gap in time between contacts.  We thank you for those recently part of our lives and for the richness they bring. We remember those who in our garden are plants that have withered, friendships that were once strong, but which are no longer sustained. Thank you for the beauty of their love, for what they gave us in times past.  We think of them now and pray for their well-being in body, mind and spirit.    



written by Ken Froude