Daily Worship

For the planet

Lily Cathcart October 08, 2024 5 1
Image credit: Unsplash
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Psalm 72: 5-7 (NRSVA)

5 May he live while the sun endures, and as long as the moon, throughout all generations.

6 May he be like rain that falls on the mown grass like showers that water the earth.

7 In his days may righteousness flourish and peace abound, until the moon is no more.

Today’s verses from Psalm 72 draw on imagery of the earth flourishing and people flourishing in peace alongside it. It feels hard to read these words alongside the news right now which is full of images of people suffering in the damaged environment we humans have created. It is hard to reconcile such words with the stark pictures of just how far from peace we are on this earth.

As I flinch away from the discomfort of the disconnect I am reminded that it is supposed to be hard. The things I am seeing on the news are supposed to feel discordant with the love, peace and flourishing God inspires us to create.

Like papyrus paper: possible because of the flourishing reeds growing by the banks of the Nile and beyond, God is sending the message that human lives and society are supposed to flourish and find peace alongside a flourishing ecosystem.

That we are entwined.

The Good News, travelling across borders and time from the eastern Mediterranean to the middle of Ireland like the Peat Bog Psalter I mentioned on Sunday, is not just good news for people; God is forever calling out that it is good news for the planet!




Dear God of the earth

Help us to keep our eyes open to our disconnected world

Show us your guidance for the peace and flourishing of all nature

Give us strength to bring about changes for ecosystems and humans

Grant us moments to feel the peace of your beloved planet
