Daily Worship

Finding time for change

Albert Bogle December 30, 2022 0 6
Image credit: Unsplash
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Isaiah 43: 18-19 (NRSVA)

18 Do not remember the former things,
    or consider the things of old.
19 I am about to do a new thing;
    now it springs forth, do you not perceive it?
I will make a way in the wilderness
    and rivers in the desert.


Some great advice for all of us at the end of a year that for many has been fraught with all kinds of difficulties. We need to sing a hallelujah that it’s over. The prophet says, ‘don’t dwell on the past’.  If we attempt to dwell on or in the past it means we are trying to turn the clock back. We are setting up home in past troubles. It is of course a physical impossibility and a dangerous psychological pursuit. Even if the past has been wonderful, we must live in the present, knowing we have a future beyond time.

The new thing God brings into our lives is always to prepare us for the approaching time veil through which we must all pass. We may think the world is getting worse and the church is failing, but God is continually revealing to us new things about ourselves and our world and his purposes. This year, as we go into 2023, look for the new thing to explore — ask what it means to dwell with God in his adventures of preparation for eternal living.”





Change my outlook

I don’t want to be a past dweller

I want to be present with you

The life giver

As the year ends

Help me forget

The former things

The hurts

The tears

The disappointments

Instead turn my face around

To see

The new thing

You are bringing my way

Give me the insight

To embrace it when it comes

And help me sing a hallelujah

While I’m waiting