Daily Worship

Finding the right ‘drivers’

Keith Ross February 15, 2014 0 0

I Timothy 6:11-12

But as for you men and women of God, shun all this; pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, endurance, gentleness. Fight the good fight of the faith, take hold of the eternal life, to which you were called and to which you confessed

Good Shepherd, as You lead and drive Your flock, let us follow and be drawn to Your teachings and Your ways. Let us seek a rapport with Your will. May the way we relate to one another be enhanced by our use of ‘godly’ language. 

Lord, be with each of us as we tackle the problems we encounter in both rational and non-verbal ways. Help us to build a mode of behaviour that directs us from thinking only of self to one that considers the needs of others. 

Forgive us loving God when we seek out the rules and make them into our ‘gods’.  Jesus taught us how You made the laws to free us to be creative and imaginative beings. 

Lord may we find the energy of this creative spirit enabling us to act with a flexibility that responds to the complexities of daily life.

Loving God, infuse us with and by the Holy Spirit through the fruits of the spirit to allow us to reach the outcomes and practices You desire. Amen. 


written by
Keith W. Ross Congregational Development Officer (CDO) at Hamilton Presbytery