Daily Worship

The DDGBs for Christmas

Albert Bogle December 18, 2020 0 2
Image credit: Unsplash
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Ephesians 4: 29 (NIVUK)

29 Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.

For me this text says everything you need to know about Advent. It outlines the DDGBs for Christmas: 

- Don’t talk bad stuff. When you open your mouth make sure your words build others up rather than pulling them down. 

- Don’t grieve the Spirit of God. Christians are no longer individuals doing their own thing. We belong to the body of Christ; what we do and say reflects back on the Christian Community. 

- Get rid of bitterness. How you act and feel affects how you look. If bitterness is left to grow in a person it will eventually isolate them and try to prevent them from encountering love. Love however eventually turns bitterness into a sweet attribute of joy and forgiveness.

- Be kind and compassionate. Kindness is the most under estimated activity in the world. It has the power to change lives day by day hour by hour minute by minute. 

Advent Action:

Think of someone who needs to be encouraged and do something about it.
Ask yourself — am I a good team player in the Christian community?
Weed out from your heart, even the small roots of bitterness.
Do something kind for someone today.


Take these lips; make them talk only good stuff today
Take this mind; remind me who I really am:
Spirit born; heaven bound; saved by grace.
Take this life, let no bitter seed take root
Take this heart, let kindness seal each action of the day.