Daily Worship

Being Spectators

Keith Ross February 14, 2014 0 0

Psalm 40: 7-9

“ Here I am in the scroll of the book it is written of me. I delight to do your will, O my God; your law is within my heart.” I have told the glad news of deliverance in the great congregation;

Lord God, You are the one who watches over us and who challenges us to respond to the events of the world. You offer us the chance to watch, to observe and to learn. For in the act of spectating we cheer on, lend our support and pass on positive experiences.  

Guard us, Lord, from being the passive observer who stands back from the demands of community involvement. Remind us forgiving God, of the dangers of being the armchair critic whose opinions are cynical and whose input is detrimental to the team spirit. 

Lord being a spectator means we become part of something greater than ourselves. We feel we have a stake with others whether in a team or a nation or an individual whose sporting skill we admire.

May this watching and learning and joining inspire us to grab the attention of our leaders to put as much passion and commitment into solving the injustices of society. Make us watchers of action and lovers of ability that we may be required to get off our seats and………  cheer what has been and is being done in name of the Lord. 


written by
Keith W. Ross Congregational Development Officer (CDO) at Hamilton Presbytery