Daily Worship

Signed Artwork

Ruth Kennedy June 23, 2024 3 3
Image credit: Unsplash
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Luke 12: 32-34 (NIVUK)

32 ‘Do not be afraid, little flock, for your Father has been pleased to give you the kingdom. 33 Sell your possessions and give to the poor. Provide purses for yourselves that will not wear out, a treasure in heaven that will never fail, where no thief comes near and no moth destroys. 34 For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

These verses lie within words from Jesus explaining the love of the Father to his disciples. Making it clear that our Father in heaven knows our needs and is involved in our lives, engaged in making provision and caring for us. In just the gospels alone, Jesus uses the term Father 165 times. If Jesus were painting a picture of God as He knew Him to be then the brush stroke of ‘Father’ is well used. It crafts the outline and the detail as Jesus shares that being in the Father's hands is a place where we can safely live fearlessly-generous lives to help others because the  , protect and provide. These palms are strong, knowing all and over-all, and intricately participate in the details of our lives, watching over our treasured hearts.

Like an artist absolutely absorbed in creating their masterpiece so is our Father God with us.

There is no absence only presence.

Fatherlessness, cited as a global pandemic (Stibbe, 1999, 2010) is breaking the heart of society all around us. This isn’t about what a father is or isn’t, should or shouldn’t be. It is about absence and disengagement due to a myriad of complex reasons. And I wonder if, at times, because the absence of a good father can be so prevalent this concept begins to shape our thinking of God?

But, with God, there is no absence only presence.

Although I am not an artist, I know what it is to ponder over a word, a comma in preparing a message, looking to fine-tune the tone to achieve just what God has placed in my heart. It requires attention to detail, reflection, patience and love. I am not surprised in the slightest that it took Leonardo DaVinci several years to paint the Mona Lisa! And how much more does our loving Father in heaven value us? There are brushstrokes and indents, lines and colours in our lives that have been deftly and definitely painted in by the Artist who is utterly absorbed in His work, with love and patience, attentive to the detail and with power to bring Himself to life through our lives of His artwork.

Our lives glorify the presence of God.




Father God, When you drew out the Milky Way, how did you think of eyebrows lifted high in wonder at the expanse of the unknown it shows?

When you chiseled a raindrop, how did you picture a green leaf holding that droplet like a tiny gem dancing on its way?

When you patterned a bird song, how did you know the rush of joy it would give some as it is the opening chorus of the day?

Only an artist lovingly absorbed in their creation could know the value of such things. Only you, entirely present in our lives, can show and tell us of your great glory you have painted in us.

Thank you that we are your artwork; paintings of love, patience, delight and wonder. And whom you have etched your name upon. Artwork which carries the signature of the artist, ‘Loving Father God’.

Thank you Lord, Amen.