Daily Worship

Hearts open to God

Jane Denniston March 15, 2025 0 0
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Ezekiel 17: 22-23 (NRSVA)

22 Thus says the Lord God:

I myself will take a sprig
    from the lofty top of a cedar;
    I will set it out.
I will break off a tender one
    from the topmost of its young twigs;
I myself will plant it
    on a high and lofty mountain.


On the mountain height of Israel
    I will plant it,
in order that it may produce boughs and bear fruit,
    and become a noble cedar.
Under it every kind of bird will live;
    in the shade of its branches will nest
    winged creatures of every kind.

Here in Britain many of us will find most of our basic needs met much of the time, although it is also true to say that poverty is increasing here. But, as Ezekiel points out, those of us who are able to provide for our own needs should not imagine that we can be full and satisfied at the expense of others. There is a danger, which Ezekiel highlights, that those who are full and satisfied imagine they became that way by their own efforts and therefore owe no one, least of all God, anything. However, God has given us this world with all its riches, not just for the sake of the few, but for the sake of the many. As part of the Kingdom of God it is our responsibility to give as we have received and ensure that the shade of the branches God causes to grow will indeed welcome creatures of every kind. 


What can we do to ensure that the isolated in our society are set free from the struggle for shelter, safety and belonging? And in reaching out, in responding to the gifts God has given us with hearts open to others, will we not also find our hearts more open to God?




Loving heavenly Father,

Jesus tells us that you know our every need,

and that you care for us enough to supply those needs.

In this unfair world

there may be many reasons why needs are not always met.

Yet, in times when any of these needs were lacking

for those who trust in you,

we can turn to you,

and you will be with us,

upholding and protecting

guiding and loving

leading us through the dark valley 

to green pastures.

May we extend to others

the grace which has been extended to us

helping them to find trust in the God who loves them,

that we, and they, may find fullness of life in you, Amen