Daily Worship

Left reeling

Katy Emslie-Smith July 06, 2024 2 3
Image credit: Unsplash
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Revelation 22: 17 (NIVUK)

17 The Spirit and the bride say, ‘Come!’ And let the one who hears say, ‘Come!’ Let the one who is thirsty come; and let the one who wishes take the free gift of the water of life.

I love watching people learn how to do Scottish country dancing. There is great enjoyment in seeing the initial hesitation and embarrassment on a person’s face turn to intense concentration as they work out the steps and coordinate their limbs to some form of rhythm and purpose. Then the lightbulb moment comes and they master the moves, accompanied by beaming smiles as they accomplish the rest of the dance in fine style. I have never seen someone come off the dance floor without an air of satisfaction that at least they tried, and mostly managed.

The Scottish reel of three is a complex interplay between three dancers, weaving an invisible figure of eight on the floor, alternately leading and following, with shifts in the shoulders to show the way to turn to the other two dancers, eyes meeting, encouragement shared. The whole cannot happen without each person participating, contributing, communicating, creating a really very beautiful and sophisticated interplay. Each dancer gives a gift to the other two.

So it is with the dance of the Trinity, three parts of the same whole, making a knotwork of their perfect community, ever creating new space where we are welcomed to find our peace and our home. They dance into eternity giving each other the gift of their love, embracing all who want to join the dance with a helping hand to learn the moves.

We all know, dancing is thirsty work. The refreshment they offer is the water of life.




Father, Son and Spirit,

Refreshed by the water of life,

May we dance into eternity with you,

Creating new space

And welcoming others in.

