Daily Worship

Laden with provision

Pamela Kennedy July 18, 2024 2 1
Image credit: Unsplash
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Exodus 3: 21-22 (NRSVA)

21 I will bring this people into such favour with the Egyptians that, when you go, you will not go empty-handed; 22 each woman shall ask her neighbour and any woman living in the neighbour’s house for jewellery of silver and of gold, and clothing, and you shall put them on your sons and on your daughters; and so you shall plunder the Egyptians.’

These verses may be a little unexpected, though they are in keeping with the picture of abundant provision given to Moses. Indeed Psalm 105 describes the Israelites in exodus as being “laden with gold and silver”. Perhaps there is something, too, of God’s redemption at work in all things: I will bless you through the very people who have enslaved you.

We have recently moved house. It was so hard to leave people we love dearly and we have all felt that. Yet it is the leaving that has really enabled us to better appreciate the love that is there. In turn, that awareness better equips us to love more intentionally than we did before.

I’m acutely aware that we all face different circumstances in our lives at the moment. If you are in a position to consider this question, perhaps you might ponder the good things that have come from hard times in your own life. If you are in a difficult season right now, know that the Lord is with you.




Thank You that in Your hands nothing is wasted.
Strengthen and sustain those who are in a difficult season now.
Remind me of Your goodness and faithfulness today.
Give me eyes to see how You are at work in my life.